Few fish top the charts of expert anglers as the most challenging, trickiest and rewarding target as Permit do. Those who have prevailed dream and obsess over every detail of their experience in preparation for their next opportunity. Nothing is left to chance in permit fishing. It takes a perfect cast and presentation to even come close to having a legitimate chance at an eat. So nothing less than a fly line designed exactly for this purpose will satisfy anyone savvy to this fishery.With its powerful front taper and long rear taper, you’ll be turning over long leaders and quick-sinking flies on even the longest of casts. Putting you one step closer to being elevated to the coveted status of fly fishing demigod!
Few fish top the charts of expert anglers as the most challenging, trickiest and rewarding target as Permit do. Those who have prevailed dream and obsess over every detail of their experience in preparation for their next opportunity. Nothing is left to chance in permit fishing. It takes a perfect cast and presentation to even come close to having a legitimate chance at an eat. So nothing less than a fly line designed exactly for this purpose will satisfy anyone savvy to this fishery.With its powerful front taper and long rear taper, you’ll be turning over long leaders and quick-sinking flies on even the longest of casts. Putting you one step closer to being elevated to the coveted status of fly fishing demigod!